Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm A Big Fan of...! Ty Pennington & Extreme Makeover-Home Edition Coming Back to Michigan!

I admit I'm a big fan of Ty Pennington and the whole Extreme Makeover Home Edition phenom! But not for the reason you might think, although watching this show is extremely helpful whenever I need to have a good cry or put a rough day into perspective.

Pass the tissues, please.

What I like most is how often and how well this show takes on challenging projects including families of children (and adults, too) with special needs, without flinching. 


This team and its producers have committed themselves to using their skills, hearts and remarkable television platform and powerhouse ratings to dramatically improve the lives of those with disabilities, portraying these individuals with dignity, honesty and sensitivity rarely seen in the media, or in society.

How can I not applaud that effort?  It's what I'm all about.

The awareness this program has created for the huge special needs population is priceless.  Not to mention all the good Ty has singlehandedly manufactured by talking openly about his own challenges with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

If I had a tool belt, I'd raise it in Ty's honor.

That said, I am especially excited to announce that Ty and the terrific EMHE team is about to take on a project near my own backyard in Michigan.  Beginning with the reveal of the family chosen on Friday, Sept. 26th, I'll  be blogging about the gig and sharing a few creative, behind-the-scenes photos of the action, without giving away the final reveal, of course.  

If the family chosen is facing the daily challenges and rewards of special needs (fingers crossed), these postings will prove extra valuable for creating additional, positive awareness for the cause! Either way, I'll be there enthusiastically chanting, 'Move that bus'!

Extreme Makeover Home Edition rocks- and so does the state of Michigan!!!

Stay tuned- and check back often!

I love my work.

For more about ADHD, visit:
For more about EMHE, visit:

Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

You've been a lean mean writing machine! Great photo on this; also cool about Dancing with the Stars!